eff.C basically take 2 pt distributions and take their ratio and fit a function to it. before one runs eff.C, the 2 histograms have to be created using xyz.C. these 2 histograms are pt distributions of embedded and reconstructed tracks. eff.C has to be run in a separate directory from hist.C and fits.C ... detailed procedure (this is the same as procedure.txt in eff/ dir) 1. edit y0templateeff.lsf - set up cuts - select the data files (pi-, K-, pbar) 2. source yalleff.scr - this will run xyz.C and create 2 pt distributions (embedded and reconstructed tracks) - inside fits/, 2 directories will be created, e.g. fits/pi/ and fits/pia 3. edit eff.lsf - change the keyword, (the same one used in step 2) - change particle type, (ditto) 4. source eff.lsf - this calls eff.C, which will takes the ratio of the two pt histograms and fit it with a function - it will create .txt file inside au20/ containing 3 parameters: a, b, and c. later on, corryield.C will looks for these 3 parameters and apply them to the raw invariant yields ------------------------- rp feb-03